Climbing Stairs (Leetcode #70)
The "Climbing Stairs" problem is a popular challenge often encountered in coding interviews. It provides a great opportunity to learn about dynamic programming and how to optimize a naive approach into an efficient solution. In this blog, we will explore different approaches to solving the problem, including brute force and an efficient dynamic programming solution.
Understanding the Problem Statement
The "Climbing Stairs" problem is a common question in coding interviews and on platforms like LeetCode. The task is quite simple: given a staircase with n steps, you can either climb 1 or 2 steps at a time. The question is: in how many distinct ways can you climb to the top? For instance, if there are 3 steps, the distinct ways to reach the top are (1, 1, 1), (1, 2), and (2, 1), totaling 3 ways.
Brute Force Approach
A straightforward approach to solving this problem would be using recursion, where each call represents climbing either 1 or 2 steps. For every step, you can make two choices: step 1 or step 2. By breaking down the problem recursively, you essentially form a tree of possible outcomes. This approach, however, becomes very inefficient as the number of steps increases, with repeated calculations leading to exponential time complexity.
Hint to Solve the Problem Efficiently
The key to solving this problem lies in observing that it has overlapping subproblems. The number of ways to reach step n is the sum of the number of ways to reach step n-1 and step n-2. This observation indicates that we can apply a dynamic programming approach to solve it efficiently.
Efficient Solution
The efficient solution involves using a dynamic programming technique, as provided in the code below:
class Solution:
def climbStairs(self, n: int) -> int:
# Base case: if n is 1, there's only one way.
if n == 1:
return n
# Initialize a list to store the number of ways to reach each step.
dp = [0] * (n + 1)
dp[1], dp[2] = 1, 2
# Start calculating from the 3rd step up to the nth step.
for i in range(3, n + 1):
dp[i] = dp[i - 1] + dp[i - 2]
# dp[n] contains the total number of ways to climb n stairs.
return dp[n]
This solution leverages an array dp
where dp[i]
represents the number of distinct ways to reach step i
. We start by initializing dp[1]
and dp[2]
since the number of ways to reach the first and second steps are known directly (1 and 2 ways, respectively). From the third step onward, each step can be reached either from the previous step or by skipping a step, leading to the relation dp[i] = dp[i - 1] + dp[i - 2]
Time and Space Complexity
The time complexity of this solution is O(n) because we calculate the number of ways for each step from 1 to n exactly once. The space complexity is O(n) due to the use of the dp
array to store the results for each step. While this is efficient, further optimization is possible by reducing the space complexity to O(1) if only the last two results are stored instead of maintaining a full array.
The "Climbing Stairs" problem is a great example to demonstrate the power of dynamic programming. While a brute force approach may seem straightforward, it quickly becomes impractical for larger inputs. By leveraging dynamic programming, we can reduce both time and space complexities to create a more efficient solution. Understanding this problem helps build a strong foundation in recognizing and solving overlapping subproblems, a crucial skill for tackling more advanced coding challenges.