Subtree of Another Tree (Leetcode #572)

Binary trees are an important data structure in computer science, and they often form the basis of many interesting coding problems. One such problem is determining whether a given tree is a subtree of another tree. In this blog, we'll discuss Leetcode Problem 572: Subtree of Another Tree. We'll explore both the brute force approach and an efficient solution to solve this problem, using Python code to illustrate each step. Let's dive in!

Understanding the Problem Statement

In this Leetcode problem, we are given two binary trees, root and subRoot, and we need to determine if subRoot is a subtree of root. A subtree consists of a node in the tree and all of its descendants. Essentially, the subtree must be identical to some part of the given tree. For example, if you imagine cutting off one part of a tree and seeing if it matches another smaller tree, that's what we're trying to determine here.

Brute Force Approach

The most straightforward approach to solve this problem is to consider every node in the root tree and try to determine if any of these nodes are identical to the subRoot tree. The idea is to perform a traversal of the root tree and, at each step, compare the subtree starting at the current node to subRoot. This solution uses a depth-first traversal to locate nodes, and for every potential starting point, it checks if the subtree matches subRoot.

The brute force approach is feasible, but not very efficient since it repeatedly performs tree comparisons for each possible subtree in root.

Hint to Solve the Problem Efficiently

To solve the problem efficiently, a good approach is to make use of a helper function that checks if two trees are identical. The efficient solution involves reducing the number of comparisons by combining a direct tree traversal with a subtree comparison. The idea is to avoid unnecessary work by optimizing the traversal and comparison steps.

Efficient Solution

The efficient solution, as outlined in the provided code, leverages two functions:

  1. isSubtree(root, subRoot) - This function checks if subRoot is a subtree of root.

  2. isSameTree(p, q) - This helper function checks if two trees, p and q, are identical.

The core logic of isSubtree function includes:

  1. Base cases: If subRoot is None, then it is automatically a subtree of root. If root is None but subRoot is not None, it cannot be a subtree.

  2. Subtree Comparison: We use the isSameTree function to check if root and subRoot are identical, which means that all nodes in both trees have the same value and structure.

  3. Recursive Call: If the current node of root does not match subRoot, we recursively call isSubtree for the left and right children of root.

Here is the Python code for reference:

class Solution:
    def isSubtree(self, root: TreeNode, subRoot: TreeNode) -> bool:
        if subRoot is None:
            return True
        if root == None and subRoot != None:
            return False

        if self.isSameTree(root, subRoot):
            return True

        left_check = self.isSubtree(root.left, subRoot)
        right_check = self.isSubtree(root.right, subRoot)

        return left_check or right_check

    def isSameTree(self, p: TreeNode, q: TreeNode) -> bool:
        if p == None and q == None:
            return True
        if p == None or q == None or p.val != q.val:
            return False

        left_compare = self.isSameTree(p.left, q.left)
        right_compare = self.isSameTree(p.right, q.right)

        return left_compare and right_compare

Time and Space Complexity

  • Time Complexity: The time complexity of the solution is O(m × n), where m is the number of nodes in root and n is the number of nodes in subRoot. In the worst case, for each node in root, we could potentially compare it with every node in subRoot.

  • Space Complexity: The space complexity is O(n) in the worst case due to the recursion stack used by the helper function isSameTree, where n is the height of the root tree. The recursive calls are made for each node, resulting in a linear stack depth in the worst scenario.


The Subtree of Another Tree problem is a great exercise for understanding recursive tree traversal and comparison. While the brute force approach works, the efficient solution optimizes both time and space, making use of recursive calls and base conditions effectively. By using helper functions to check if two trees are identical, we can significantly reduce unnecessary comparisons and arrive at a more elegant solution. Understanding these approaches will not only help you solve this particular problem but also enhance your ability to think recursively for similar tree-based problems.